Even in the remotest hinterlands, mountain paths teem with families making the long but joyful trek home, possession slung over parents' shoulders, laughing children skipping in anticipation of grandma's cooking or grandpa's tall tale.
因?yàn)楣适露际窍胂蟪鰜淼?,有些甚至荒誕不羈,所以叫tall tale,實(shí)在與“高”無關(guān)。tale這個(gè)詞看似雖小,卻容易迷惑人。
如:The wicked little girl was always telling her mother tales.這句話并非說小女孩總給她媽媽講故事,而是總愛撒謊。
再如:It was nasty of you to go round telling tales you knew weren't true.你故意到處散布謠言,真可惡。
而tale bearer或tale teller就是指吹牛皮,說大話的人。