At the Restaurant…
Jeff and Julie are looking for a place to eat.
Jeff:What do you say we stop in at that burger joint over there and grab a bite?
Julie:Fat chance! If you think I'd ever set foot in that dive again, you've got a screw loose. The last time I ate that slop, I almost lost it! Besides, the service stinks there, too. It was the first time I ever stiffed a waiter.
Jeff:Yeah. I had a sneaking suspicion it was going be like that right off the bat. Not seeing a living soul anywhere sort of tipped me off. Hey! How about that one over there?
Julie:Oh, come of it! That place is too ritzy for us. It costs an arm and a leg!
Jeff: Don't have a cow. It's on me.
Julie:In that case, I'm right behind you.
(moments later…)
Julie:I can't wail to chow down.
Jeff:Just don't order everything on the menu, okay? I know how much you can polish off in one sitting. You're such a porker, it's amazing you're not some kind of blimp.
Julie:So, I'm into food. Listen, I have lo run to the john. Just order me a deluxe burger but hold the fries. I want to save room for dessert to wash it down!