141. The only fish in the sea. 唯一的一個
A:Hi, buddy! How come you are down in the dumps? 嗨,哥們!你怎么愁眉苦臉的?
B:I broke it off with her. You know we’re engaged, but she’s been two-timing me.
A:Come on, Jim. Dump her! She’s not the only fish in the sea
142. Make sense (1)有意義;(2)了解其含義,143. 懂了
1)What you say doesn’t make any sense. I don’t want to listen to it at all.
2)To be frank, do you really make sense of what he says? 說實話,你真的聽懂他的話了嗎?
144. No kidding! 別開玩笑了!
在美國英語中,kid作名詞指“小孩”,作動詞是“開玩笑”,等于joke。“You’re kidding me!”相當于“You’re pulling my leg!”(你在跟我開玩笑!)。
A:Do you hear Nancy is getting divorce? 你聽說了南希要離婚嗎?
B:No kidding! Are you sure? 別開玩笑了!你肯定嗎?
A:That’s what I overheard. 這是我無意中聽到的。
145. How come? 為什么?(怎么?)
A:How come you’re so late? 你怎么來得這么遲?
B:You know, the buses are usually very full at this time of the day. I’m waiting for quite a long time.通常每天這個時候公交車都很擠,我等了很久才坐上。